Day 5



My son has really gotten into helping the Wise Men! Before he went to bed last night he placed all of them by the little nativity we have in the bathroom.  He said, "we'll see if this is what they are looking for.  If it is they will still be here in the morning!"  But when we awoke the 3 Kings had indeed moved and found their way to our kitchen.  We found them this morning in our "junk" drawer!! *gasp*  I am sure almost every home has one of those right?!  We are unsure if Caspar is climbing in or out of the drawer though! :)  But for some reason as I was looking into the drawer this morning and saw the Wise Men searching through the junk some thoughts entered my mind and and found myself thinking......"Is this how you see my heart, Lord?"  As we are preparing for the birth of our Lord and Savior, as we are truly preparing ourselves for His 2nd coming we have to evaluate our heart.  Do we hold grudges in our heart?  Is their people in our lives that we have not forgiven? Are we at peace with our Lord? So among the Fun of the ADVENTures I pray that each of you are clearing out the clutter and "junk" from your hearts and will be ready to welcome our Lord on Christmas Day!  

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    Our Wise men guests have arrived! The search for baby Jesus has begun! The kids are excited.  Looking forward to the adventures of Balthazar, Melchior and Caspar from now until the Epiphany!


    December 2013

